Monday, June 18, 2012

A Real-ish Post...?

The suspense was terrible, right?  I mean, did Cat run another whopping "three easy miles" or a walk/run five?  What did she eat?  Did she behave this weekend?

All that and more in this issue, folks. 

So, I ran the fastest three miles yet on Thursday, despite really not wanting to go, and starting out at about 6:00PM. 30:20 seconds!!  That is SO close to me being under 30 minutes.  If you recall, way back in March when I ran my first 5K, I did it in almost 40 minutes.  Something is working!  It's incredible.  I'm hoping when I run the 5K next month I can do it under 30. 

I've decided that since my friend gave me her Jack Rabbit Sports gift card that she received at the Bronx Zoo run, that I'm going to use it to get another pair of Brooks PureConnects in a bigger size.  My big toenail is bruising lately, and I think the extra room will hopefully keep me from having zombie toes. 

Exciting stuff! I know!

Didn't run Friday, and had a Belgian inspired feast, yet again!

Garlic bread, FRIES, Mussels and Clams!

Got up on Saturday and decided to change things up.  Drove up the Bronx River Parkway, parked and ran from the County Center to the Kensico Dam.  The first three miles were good, got me right to the front of the dam.  More hills than my usual run, but I should be doing that anyway.  Totally should've brought my camera, it was gorgeous out!

Halfway Point!

Side of Dam

This is where we decided to take a break and go up the crazy steep stairs to the top of the dam.  Let me tell you something, running?  Doesn't scare me. Stairs?  HORRIBLE.  I suck at stairs.  Yet I walk up 72 stairs to my office every day.  And it NEVER gets easier.  These were even worse!  My husband was able to just walk up them like nothing.  I think I crawled. 

3/4 of the way up. Speck is stair champ.

 I don't know what I was expecting at the top...but this is what we got:

A road.  And water.
After getting back down the stairs, in the sweltering heat (65 degrees my arse) we started the three miles back. 

And I got one and a half miles in and quit.  Pretty lame.  But my mouth and throat were so dry that I couldn't function.  Why wouldn't the dam have water fountains!! Salty shellfish night before a long run?  Bad idea.  Noted.  Nathan belt purchased.  It was still a great workout though!  I really have to get it together for this half marathon training.  Thankfully it doesn't truly start until next week, but my long runs have to really start becoming long runs. 

Went to TJ's (of course) and they had fresh seafood!!  JUST what I needed!

Seared Scallop Salad!
The rest of the day was a blur.  I think I drank four gallons of water and slept.  Then woke up and used Friday night's clams to make a healthy linguine and clam sauce with soba noodles.  It was glorious.  I haven't had any type of pasta in a LONG time. 

Then Sunday came!! YAY!  I knew I was meeting my pal of all pals to shop and drink beer, so I figured I should workout.  Originally, I was going to run a couple of miles just to add in another running day in my training schedule.  But instead, I chose Jackie.

The last time I did this workout, it was probably right before the wedding.  I was lifting weights and kickboxing in my house like a champ.  I did the whole DVD while using 10 lb. weights in each hand. 

Nothing slaps your ass back down to earth than not being able to do the whole workout, and not even using weights most of the time.  And then waking up today immobile from being so sore. 

Ended up going to Yard House, which is my favorite chain restaurant EVER.  We ended up overstaying our welcome by like three hours and the waitress wanted to kill us, but you know what?  I don't care.  Someone didn't mention the special for the day wasn't part of the lunch special for the day and I paid $30 for THIS...

A bok choy, 5 oz of white fish, some brown rice.
OH WELL.  I got to have some tasty, tasty beers and guacamole!

Finally....I'm ending this post with my latest shenanigans.  See if you can figure out what I've done.

It's begun!

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